Microgaming Cross Country League – Round 4 and IOM Cross Country Championship – Results

Here are the results of the Microgaming Cross Country League – Round 4 and the IOM Cross Country Championships, along with the overall league results.  This the final round was held at QEII, Peel on Sunday 22 January 2016.

Many thanks to hosts Western AC and to Richard Highfield & Karen Kneale for the results.

Microgaming Cross Country League Round 4 (inc IOM Champs)

QE11 High School, Peel on Sunday 22nd January

There is plenty of parking and there will be changing/showering facilities available on the day along with refreshments.

The registration desk will be open before the race as usual from 1pm at the latest.

Download Map here.

xc timetable 2017

Be Ready at start line 5 mins before your start time.

Listen out for whistle and instructions from officials.

Spectators please stay off the racing line.


Microgaming Cross Country League Round 3

Nunnery Estate, Douglas – Sunday 11th December

Please note that the start for Under 9 and 11 races is separate to all other races.

All finishes are the same.

Download Map here.

Time  Age Group       Distance Course letters
2.00pm Under 9 Boys 1000m Start    MNOPABJKL Finish
2.05pm Under 9 Girls 1000m Start    MNOPABJKL Finish
2.10pm Under 11 Girls 2000m Start    MNOPABJKL
2.20pm Under 11 Girls 2000m Start    MNOPABJKL
2.30pm Under 13 B&G
Short Course
2869m Start    ABJKLMNOPAB
2.45pm Under 15&17 G 3957m Start    ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP
Under 17 Boys
U20/Sen/Vet Women
2.46pm U20/Sen/Vet Men 8985m Start    ABJKLMNOP


Be Ready at start line 5 mins before your start time.

Listen out for whistle and instructions from officials.

 Spectators please stay off the racing line.

 T on map marks where TOILETS can be found.

Parking at the Nunnery.

There is limited parking on site. With parking at the side of the road there could be space for about 100 cars. As such, if competitors and spectators want an assured parking space why not park in Pulrose Power Station Car Park right by the bridge and power station. Walk to Middle River Industrial estate road opposite the Power Station (the road to the Civic Amenity and Recycling centre). There is a foot path on the left before you get to Edmundson Electrical and next to the MEA works that are opposite the power station. Take this path between the high metal fences bear left and follow until you get to the nunnery estate. This is about a 10 to 12 minute walk and brings you out near to the race HQ. The Power Station car park is free at the weekend.

Note – the entrance on the Douglas side of the estate will be open all day. The entrance on the Brewery side of the estate will close at 2.20pm. This is due to races crossing the estate road after that time. As such, if parking on the estate roads and car parks follow marshals instructions and ensure other vehicles can pass your car. Some designated turning points will be marked out – please do not park in these spaces.

Hot food will be available at the Race HQ near the Douglas end of the course along with toilets. These can also be found marked on the map at different points on the estate.

The registration desk will be open before the race as usual from 1pm at the latest.

Hopefully all will work well regarding parking if runners share transport or park away from the estate. If all is a success next year parking should be alleviated as a new car park is planned on the estate. Please do pass on feedback about the new course etc. to Andy Fox at andycfox@outlook.com

Change of Venue for Round 2 of Cross Country League

Due to unforeseen complications with the owners of Ballasaig Farm a decision has been taken to hold round two of the Microgamming Cross Country League (Sunday 6th November) at Crossags, Ramsey, details of the event are as follows:

2.00pm U9 Boys & Girls 2 Small Laps 860m
2.10pm U11 Boys & Girls 3 Small Laps 1290m
2.25pm U13 Boys & Girls & Short Course 1 Small +1 Large Lap 2600m
2.35pm U15 Boys & Girls, U17 Girls & Junior Ladies 2 Large Laps 4660m
2.35pm U17 Boys, Junior Men, Senior Ladies & Vet Ladies 3 Large Laps 6990m
2.35pm Senior Men  & Vet Men 4 Large Laps 9320m

Here is a map of the cMicrogamingLogoCMYK_Stackedourse.  Please note the parking restrictions. Please arrive early for registration.


The IOMAA would like to thank NAC for stepping in to accommodate the need for an alternative venue at such late notice.