Isle of Man Athletics are pleased to announce the results of the Junior Inter Club Match held during the Track & Field Open meeting on 4th May 2016.
Points were awarded to the first two athletes from each Club, in each event, on a scale 6-1. The Club with the highest number of points gained over the match are the winners.
U13 & U15
1st with 202 points – Manx Harriers
2nd with 194 points – Northern AC
3rd with 78 points – Western AC
As you can see it was really close. If split between male and female events then Manx Harriers won the womens events and Northern the boys.
Interestingly if you then add the U17 results to the above Manx Harriers increased their lead to 264 points, Northern to 229 points and Western with 136 points. Manx Harriers dominated the U17 womens category but this was mainly due to their being only 1 person in the events. Northern & Western were much stronger in the U17 Mens events.
Well done to everyone that took part.