Team Managers Wanted for Commonwealth Games

IOM Commonwealth Games Logo

The Isle of Man Commonwealth Games  is requesting names for consideration as Managers for both The Commonwealth Youth Games in 2017 being held in the Bahamas 17/24 July 2017 and the Commonwealth Games in 2018 being held in Gold Coast Australia 4/15 April 2018.

Applicants will  need to be available before and after for travel to and from the Games.

It is expected that the roles will be appointed this Autumn. Male and female managers are asked to apply with the Bahamas Games requiring both a male and female alternates as the gender of nominations will not be known until selection time.

Attendance at the Games is dependent upon selection of athletes.

Initial applications of interest in these posts and enquiries about the roles should be forwarded to Allan Callow at or you can call him on 473354 by October 31 2016 at  the latest.

All applications will be treated in full confidence.

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